Stop moving boxes, start building brands

With our experience, you will sharpen your strategy, focus your energy and take impactful decisions!

Step 1
Outline the brand

Outline your brand and define what makes it stand out from competitors.

Be aware of your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Ask yourself what’s relevant for consumers of different countries; is your USP valid and strong also abroad? Is your brand positioning effective internationally?

Step 2
Brand portfolio & communication

Design the international portfolio to meet markets’ needs. Adjust a clear communication plan for different markets.

Is your portfolio effective and successful abroad?

Your must-have products, define the core positioning of your brand. Match your communication plan to the key elements of your portfolio.

Step 3
Prioritize markets

Brand’s needs and its positioning, plus specific elements and factors of the various markets determine to find the right challenge.

Big markets are not always the best ones to start with. Often the large ones hide barriers and traps that do not match your brands positioning.
Choose the best markets for your brand.

Step 4
Brand development model

A Brand Development model drives brand equity, market share and household penetration growth.

Set priorities whe you enter in new market and criteria to develop the brand afterwards

Build brand leadership in its core markets/segments strengthening its positioning. Expand the range with new segments and enlarge the consumer base.

Step 5
Country development model

Prioritize your Countries accordingly to your current business performance and the potential of your brand.

Adapt your investments and organization accordingly.

Group Countries where your brand has comparable market position. Focus on criteria that make a difference in competitive situations, analyze KPIs related to market maturity, to go for the best investments.


Let’s work on your project together

Success at international level is at your reach.

Success at international level is at your reach.

With our experience, you will sharpen your strategy, focus your energy and take impactful decisions.